
External-facing services must implement protections against DoS - use a WAF

External-facing services should implement protections against DoS through a WAF, to ensure availability of your service(s)


External-facing services should implement protections against Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. By implementing protections against DoS attacks, you can help to ensure the availability of your service(s) to legitimate users. This can help prevent downtime and ensure that your users can continue to access your service. Auto-Scaling of compute/containers is a general recommendation to protect against DoS attacks. This refers to the ability to automatically add or remove compute resources based on the current demand for resources. For example, if a particular compute instance is targeted by a (D)DoS attack, autoscaling can automatically spin up additional compute to share the traffic load and mitigate the impact of the attack, maintaining service availability. Some forms of (D)DoS mitigation are included out-of-the-box with specific cloud provider services, but additional resiliency can be added by using an architecture with specific services. A non-comprehensive overview of cloud service provider services that can be used to implement (D)Dos protection are as follows: - AWS Shield and Google Cloud Armor: - Both AWS Shield and GCP Cloud Armor are managed services that can help defend against DDoS attacks. - Amazon CloudFront and Google Cloud CDN: - These products are content delivery network (CDN) services that can be used to protect web applications from DDoS attacks. - It can help mitigate attacks by caching content and distributing it across multiple edge locations, reducing the load on the origin servers. - AWS WAF and Google Cloud Armor WAF: - AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) and Google Cloud Armor provide a web application firewall that can be used to protect web applications from common web exploits and DDoS attacks. - They provide a configurable set of rules to allow, block, or monitor certain requests. - As for internal services, fluctuations in traffic and volume can also impact service availability and performance. Implementing resiliency measures can help ensure that internal services continue to function properly, even during periods of high traffic or unexpected spikes.

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Adam Cotenoff

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